Blue Mission

Blue Mission

United States

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We are a family of surfers and beach lovers that have spent the last couple of years traveling around. We have seen many beautiful remote beaches full of plastic, iguanas choking on plastic straws, fish eating micro-plastics, turtles trapped in fishing nets and much more of the effects from garbage in the oceans.

Seeing all this first hand has made us very sad.

In the beginning, we wanted to do something about the garbage so we started taking our own bags to the beach to pick up garbage. Our kids loved that job and felt good about contributing to the well-being of the ocean animals! We did [link-omitted] we felt it wasn't enough.

At the same time, we were starting our journey to becoming vegan and we realized that we were buying a lot of skin care products with unnecessary harmful ingredients that were not vegan or good for the oceans or even animals in general. So we dedicated some time to learning about vegan and reef-safe skin care products to start crafting our own. We felt good about our first products and we starting gifting them to family and friends and they loved them too! They inspired us to share our vegan skin care craft and our passion for cleaning up the oceans with the world. This is how Blue Mission was born.

We believe that it only takes one person to inspire others and create BIG CHANGE!

Our Promise

We promise to remove 1 pound of garbage from oceans and beaches for every product sold.

We like to think of ourselves as partners with you, because thanks to you, our mission is possible and we can clean up the oceans 1 pound at a time.

-Blue Mission team

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