Billy Hoffs

Billy Hoffs

United States

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At Fish Soup Network we have created unbiased product reviews with no opinion added. We deliver the facts with similar products right next to each other. We let the public, who know more than most advertisers allow them credit for, discuss their ideas openly and freely for all to see-good or otherwise. In an equal environment not only users benefit by the discussions but manufacturers get an honest appraisal of their product which is often not seen. We have been in the television business for many years and with the highest profile individuals and companies and this is our individual take on what we feel people want. So far it seems to be right.
Contact us to have us involved in creating video or more for you to get a fair appraisal and a professional product.
Thank you!

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 3.17%
Comment Average 2
Like Average 23
View Average 1K

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