Bhaswati Bhattacharya

Bhaswati Bhattacharya

United States

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As a physician-scientist trained in holistic medicine and in the ancient medical systems of India - Ayurveda and yoga, as well as many others on the planet, my work focuses on bringing the best of Good Medicine - medicine that works - to the patient.

Currently, I am based mostly between Manhattan, Benaras, and Paris. As a Fulbright Specialist in Public Health 2018-2023, I work with people around the globe on projects that bring the best of authentic medicines to the interface of the frontiers of modern medical science. Medicines from the best factories, which are the trees and plants in the natural world, are misunderstood by patients, students and colleagues, who over-utilize interventions that do harm. My work explains the chemistry and physics of great medicines and shows people how to use them and ultimately, to heal.

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