Bess Grinds

Bess Grinds

United States

speedometerThat's some serious marketing potential!

Hey my name is Bess grinds ima vlogger/ gamer influencer I’m montized on YouTube etc if you wanna get to know me more go follow my instagram over 100k+ followers ima good influencer im ready to put your products out here in front of my fans 

ima great influencer been doing this for 3 years now I'm ready to further my career with Opportunities to become partnered with brands etc please help me fulfill my dreams of becoming a successful influencers god bless my email is [link-omitted]

i ready to meet my other half of my family 


subscribe there with bell on please 

I also do giveaways for my channel please support me family 

I'm willing to help any brands out let's connect and work 

I'm trustworthy 

I'm 28 trynna chase all my dreams 

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 7.82%
Comment Average 14
Like Average 3K
View Average 17K
Play Average 16K

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