Atrasina Adlina

Atrasina Adlina


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I am a travel blogger who has been working from home lately. Currently focusing on my son, plants, and some project about marine debris. So far, I have worked with several companies to make product reviews. I also work with the government to endorsements for travel destinations in several regions. Won a blog competition for the environmental theme. My blog niche is about traveling, but in the pandemic situation I also wrote about parenting, education, scholarship and also product review.  I can write the blog post in English or Bahasa Indonesia. 

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Some of their offers

I will make an article with infographic
Post on Blog

I will make an article with infographic



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 10.09%
Comment Average 1
Like Average 4
View Average 116

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I will product reviews and advertise the products
Social Review on TikTok

I will product reviews and advertise the products

I will story
Video Review on Facebook

I will story

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