Ashraf AlMadhoun

Ashraf AlMadhoun


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An engineer and perfectionist 

Educator and Author of "Educational Engineering".

Ashraf is an educator, Mechatronics engineer, electronics and programming hobbyist, and Maker. He creates online video courses on the EduEng YouTube Channel (More Than 4 Million View, 20k + Subscriber) and author of four Microcontroller books.

As a Chief Educational Engineer since 2007 at Educational Engineering Team, the company he founded, Ashraf’s mission is to explore new trends and technology and help educate the world and make it a better place.

Educational Engineering offers educational courses and Bootcamps, articles, lessons, and online support for electronics hobbyists, Programming hobbyists, Microcontroller hobbyists, STEM students, and STEM teachers.

That team also work as freelancer engineers, helping many students in their graduation projects, and provide guidance and consulting for many students over the years to help them kick-start their career.

Ashraf’s core skill is explaining difficult concepts through in a step by step easy to understand matter using video and text. With over 11 years of tertiary teaching experience, Ashraf has developed a simple yet comprehensive and informative style in teaching that students from all around the world appreciate.

His passion for Microcontrollers and Programming and in particular for the world of Arduino, PIC Microcontroller, Rasberry Pi has guided his personal development and his work through Educational Engineering.

Ashraf’s online courses have helped over 250,000 people from around the world to be better and to make a great career in the industry.

Educational Engineering Team offer Course on

Circuit Design, Simulation, and PCB Fabrication

Arduino, PIC Microcontroller, and Raspberry Pi

Programming in C, Python, and other programming languages

PLC Industrial Programming and Automation

3D Design and Simulation

ESP and IoT World

For more information use the links in the profile page to follow Educational Engineering Team and Ashraf’s latest innovations.

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