Artyom Sokolov

Artyom Sokolov


speedometerThat's some serious marketing potential!

Now all my time I deserve to making videos with my unique ideas and spreading these ideas throughout the world! Now I have 2.5 million followers in Tiktok, and I’ve reached such result just for one year... I’m fond of traveling, sports and visiting different cultural events...

The last 6 years every winter I’ve visited Thailand and stayed there for a month with my family, and every summer Bulgaria...

I finished 9 classes in school and then entered in the best lyceum in Uzbekistan “academic lyceum under Westminster university in Tashkent”. In 2019 I finished this lyceum. 

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Some of their offers

I will create video with your brand
Video Review on TikTok

I will create video with your brand



Follower Engagement / Demographics


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View Average 1

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I will make a dedicated video, showcasing your product!
Video Review on YouTube

I will make a dedicated video, showcasing your product!

I will review for pets clothes
Social Review on TikTok

I will review for pets clothes

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