ARra Odeza

ARra Odeza


speedometerThere are 25K influencers with a reach over 20,000!Check out some other influencers

I am a SAHM who loves sharing insights, reviews and honest opinions on different things. I am interested in reviewing products related to home, fashion, beauty, food, and lifestyle.

Sponsored article includes: *300-500 words content   and based on the client's requirements,  it might contain do-follow links with the client landing page link 

*bonus social media post (1 Instagram, 1 Facebok, 1 Twitter)

*Content aimed to achieved in 7 days with maximum 1 minor/major revision

*Website: [link-omitted] (DA 21)

To see ARra's full profile please login or register.

Some of their offers

I will create an article with 300-500 words content
Post on Blog

I will create an article with 300-500 words content



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 0.64%
Comment Average 3
Like Average 20

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I will review your product through my own vidio
Social Share on TikTok

I will review your product through my own vidio

I will engage with existing social media.
Social Engagement on Facebook

I will engage with existing social media.

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