Ankit Boy Rock

Ankit Boy Rock

British Indian Ocean Territory

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Here is Ankit Boy Rock,

I'm 25 year old, living in delhi, India.

I'm a youtuber channel name Ankit Boy Rock.

I'm a Photographer and Videographer and a blogger and YouTuber too.

I'm a technical expert, I'm teaching about mobile, computer, internet. hardware & software, gadgets and more.

I'm also a tech adviser, lots of peoples asking me for the latest news and updates about tech.

As I am technology lover so my dream is that every person have good technical knowledge and they never rip by others. I have good knowledge of every technical thing and I want to share this knowledge with everyone.

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 2.54%
Comment Average 0
Like Average 2
View Average 26
Play Average 166

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