Hi, my name is Andrew, I come from a small village in the province of Milan. I am a student in Sport and Sport Sciences at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan and I am a big fan of sports, trendy clothes and elegant clothes. For some time I have used an electronic cigarette as a substitute for tobacco and I must say that it is interesting to try new flavors and new models of electronic cigarettes. I have many interests in addition to sports such as cooking, interest born recently because of a very pleasant experience of living in the apartment, a further interest that has arisen in me for a short time is that for photography and for what includes video-making, not being equipped with a professional camera I find myself forced to make do with what I have but until now I can not complain about my achievements.
Here is the link of my IG account: [link-omitted]_/?hl=it
Thanks for your attention, Andrew