amy morris

amy morris

United States

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My name is Amy Morris, I’m a LA based full time UGC Creator and makeup\skincare\fashion content creator over on instagram at @amyannmorris and tiktok @amyannmorris96. I have created content for brands such as: Loreal, Elemis, Alypn beauty, Pretty vulgar cosmetics, Bling, Burt’s Bees, Ogee, Sweed beauty, Grande Lash, Bangn, BondiBoost, BeautyBio, Threeships Beauty, Body, Kopari, Pump hair, Clean beauty collective, State Cashmere, DIBS beauty, Moxie lash, Pipette, Boohoo, Pretty little thing, Macys and more. My goal is to showcase amazing brands as creatively and professionally as possible through my content.

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Play Average 448
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I will Let people know about your brand in details,whether in a video or post

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