Amy Atkins

Amy Atkins

United Kingdom

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Having discovered a veiled love for cosmetics, I started a Youtube channel to share views on products and join the community. 

Subsequently, this expanded to include information on diet experiences and a focussed strive for a happy life. I decided to start a blog to expand my content and here I am. Since September 2017 I have been blogging and vlogging full-time, and I absolutely love it.

Outside of blogging and YouTube, my hobbies span a relatively wide range. Whilst I love being creative and making homemade cards, playing with makeup, cooking and reading, I also love playing computer games. As a result, you will often find me catching Pokémon whilst out and about or traversing online maps with an assault rifle in hand.

Other loves include candles, music, sunshine, baths, horror films, wine, love and laughter!

I am just your average gal, enjoying the odd prosecco, vino rouge and G&T and usually eating too much. As someone who lives to eat, I am a slave to Slimming World in a bid to remain somewhat healthy. As a result, I share my Slimming World Journey here.

I have a background in HR and find that any lessons I learned wriggle their way into my blog posts. Ultimately, my goal is to live happy. Further, I also wish to eat happy and sleep happy, so if I have thoughts, ideas or experiences that may benefit others, I spill the beans here in the hope that I can help. If all of this tickles your fancy, take a closer look. You will find product reviews, tips and tricks, life ramblings and general from a (hopefully) relatable source, looking to inspire the best in all of us.

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