Alison McMahon

Alison McMahon

United Kingdom

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I began to write my blog in 2018, mainly because the timing was right for me to devote time to something I had always wanted to do. And, I had never felt quite brave enough to put myself “out there”. I am a relative newcomer in blogosphere terms. My working life began at sixteen, working mainly as a PA and in various roles in Human Resources. I still work, occasionally, which I enjoy because, at sixty-three, it sort of suits me.
These last few years have been the beginning of a new chapter, especially starting this blog, which fulfils my love of writing and photography. It allows me to indulge myself in fashion and beauty. That said, the IT side of blogging can be overwhelming and is still a “work in progress”.
As I do most of the IT myself, I have made mistakes through the years. An example of this was lately when I imported a plug-in into my blog and lost all of my photographs. Four years’ worth, which was quite stressful. Luckily, I called in the cavalry (my husband) and we managed to retrieve them.
My blog is a wonderful way to reflect on life changes i.e., getting older, children leaving the nest…. (then, returning, ha-ha)

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