Alfateen Jones

Alfateen Jones

United States

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As the terror attacks on 9/11, was to much to bier for some, Alfateen started his Rap career early determined to make a statement in both Rap and in Religion. With rappers like Loon, Mase, and Shyne pursuing religion after the Culture Alfateen presents the same predetermination. After a Second name change from Rouger back to Alfateen in hopes to Shine light on the Old Testament and to value the importance of the lineage to Abram as SeRug of the Old Testament. Alfateen fights for the well being of our youth and the Importance of the Musical creativity and the strength of its dream. As musical talents grow to endure the integrity of the Rap culture Religion is the only thing suitable for first crown and Kingdom. After a semester of college Alfateen was granted Dean list notoriety , but the Philosophical evaluation determined two things 1. That Alfateen was worthy of being established current Buddha and heir to the Om, 2. That title pious would sit well with the break through teachings on his Philosophical journey. The title Buddha inspired many things from the works of Disney, United Nations, Mecca, as well as the Hall of Fame. Alfateen was crowned Heir to the Om under the integrity of Mir Urn and Frankincense. The reason to make music is to create a greater following as Alfateen works to become America's first Prime Minister. As the attempt to become Hip Hop's ambassador to the United Nations was not as significant as the probability to an existing Buddha becoming Prime Minister. -I'm


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