Ainun Najib Alfatih

Ainun Najib Alfatih


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Hi, my name is Ainun Najib, I am a teacher that passionate to share about learning media, educational websites/softwares/platforms that can help teachers to make their learning fun and interesting.

I have a Youtube channel, Instagram, blog/website and podcast that I use to share my ideas and tutorial to other teachers in Indonesia.

I have been writing on blog for years, I have two main blogs, they are [link-omitted] and [link-omitted].

If you want me to share and promote your brand, please check my youtube channel on [link-omitted]  or my websites and other social media that I put here.

Thank you.

To see Ainun Najib's full profile please login or register.

Some of their offers

I will review your brand and put it on my youtube and social media
Video Review on YouTube

I will review your brand and put it on my youtube and social media

I will post your brand or campaign on my blogs
Post on Blog

I will post your brand or campaign on my blogs



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 4.17%
Comment Average 3
Like Average 32
View Average 154

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I will share the posts
Social Share on Facebook

I will share the posts

I will sell, advertise or market your products and people will love it
Social Share on TikTok

I will sell, advertise or market your products and people will love it

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