Ailynne Abarado

Ailynne Abarado

United States

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I am a Mamarazzi to two boys and our pet Sophy who is a Maltipoo. I blog and share social media content related to family, kids, autism, travel, education, photography, books, fashion, technology, and anything in between related to parenting and being working parents. 

I really do enjoy reading everything I can google and sharing that information with others. I am trained to find the strengths in children aka teacher and counselor. My sons are my models whenever I get the bug to take photos and get creative with editing. 

We are gifted with time with our kids. My husband works from home and is a techie. He is also a great car mechanic and loves to dabble with video editing for our own home videos. We are the Jack and Jane of All Trades. We do have fun even if we aren't quite masters of many things. 

Bargain shopping is what we do too! Mainly, we just try to live and get the most out of life that we can! Thanks for reading! 

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