Adrienne Uthe

Adrienne Uthe

United States

5K Reach

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I’m a builder, challenger and creator.

I’m also a huge Communications nerd and have a love for Public Health too - the cannabis space allows me the freedom to explore both. I welcome the opportunity to get creative and create effective messages that make an impact, are easily digestible and protect consumer safety. Communication, messaging and marketing can shape our realities - both the digital and print space allow me to do that in meaningful ways within the cannabis industry.

Creating, impacting and influencing change is what I do best - the federal and government realm is where I thrive.

I'm at my best when I’m managing creative projects, sales/marketing teams, managing government affairs and executing strategic partnerships.

Specialties: strategy + business planning, project management, content creation, social media management, strategic partnerships, brand messaging, campaign management + analysis, Google Analytics & Adwords, B2B + B2C, audience segmentation.

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