Adriana Albritton

Adriana Albritton

United States

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Adriana Albritton is the author of 28 Days to a New Life - A Holistic Program to Get Fit, Delay Aging, and Enhance Your Mindset. and the founder of the blog [link-omitted] This Colombian native holds a Master’s degree in Forensic Psychology, certifications in Personal Training & Fitness Nutrition, and has participated nationally with the National Physique Committee in Figure competitions. Additionally, Adriana is a co-author in The Better Business Book Volumes 2 & 3.

Adriana was involved in the mental health field over the years. She specialized in forensic populations, treating perpetrators of crime as well as victims. She witnessed the negative effects that an unbalanced mind has on the body and its surrounding environment. Later on, she recognized the awful repercussions that an unbalanced body has on the psyche.

Nowadays, Adriana enjoys steering individuals towards healthier lifestyles, while helping them to lose body fat. Adriana integrates the purpose of achieving a healthy mind along with a fit body while cultivating a healthy internal environment through coaching and individualized meal and workout planning.

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