Military and Armed Forces

Collaborate with the most influential Servicemembers and Veterans

Influencer marketing made easy

If you are looking to collaborate with military and armed forces influencers around the globe, we’ve got you covered! Our vast network of influencers is home to many active duty servicemembers as well as reserve and veterans. These influencers can help you promote your product or service credibly and more effectively than relying on other methods such as traditional marketing. From creating a campaign to influencer Discovery and completing transactions, Intellifluence is an end-to-end solution like no other. You will be able to control every aspect of your military and armed services campaign with ease using our intuitive platform and relying on the world’s largest warm influencer network – meaning each one of our military influencers has joined on their own and is waiting to hear from you!

Join our network of brands that use Intellifluence to find the best Military & Armed Forces Influencers…

Military and Armed Forces Influencer Spotlight

Team up with the best

Our Influencers will work hard to help you promote your activities. Check out our top Influencers who are waiting to hear from you!

Read the transcript of our Kyndall Bennett Influencer Spotlight. Learn how you can discover more influencers like Kyndall!

Kyndall Bennett | Influencer Spotlight 107

Our 1-2-3 Approach to Influencer Marketing:

Find the best candidates

Post public offers to the Marketplace or use our Influencer Discover tool to find committed activism influencers

Share your product or service

Upon pitch acceptance, you can provide influencers all the details about your cause.

Get the promotion you’re seeking

Smile at the retweets, likes and shares you receive from collaborating with the best!

Are You Ready To Get Started?

Intellifluence uses a two-pronged approach to influencer marketing: First, you can create a public offer that is open to all qualifying military and armed forces personnel and you can also pitch influencers individually on your own using our powerful Discover tool. Most competitors only let you do one or the other, but Intellifluence is committed to offering the most flexibility and innovative features around. It’s all part of our commitment to providing the best dollar-to-real-influencer ratio in the business. Register today to get started or check out the platform at your own pace with a self-guided demo. Within minutes, you will be able to pitch military influencers and kick off transactions!

Are You a Military and Armed Forces Influencer?

Join Intellifluence as an influencer today for free and get immediate access to our Marketplace where you can browse offers from awesome brands and apply to be a part of them. Unlike many other platforms, we don’t charge any fees or keep any of your earnings. There’s absolutely no obligation until you’ve accepted a pitch from a brand, so we invite you to join today for free and get started!

Manage multiple Influencers? Join as a Talent Manager here