Yvonne Claire Bertoldo

Yvonne Claire Bertoldo

United Kingdom

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I am Yvonne Claire M. Bertoldo, 33 years old, single mother to a 11 year old girl and an 9 year old boy. I lived in Quezon City, together with my kids, my parents and my sister. I work as a nurse in a hospital setting in London, United Kingdom. I own a personal website called [link-omitted] that is all about food that I tried from newly opened/discovered restaurants and cafes, travel experiences, make up reviews, and covering events I got to attend to. During my free time, I enjoy singing on facebook live, doing tiktoks and watching movies and series from Netflix. I enjoy cooking while following recipes from the internet. I practiced keto diet and intermittent fasting as methods of losing weight. When I become financially able, I would love to travel the world with my kids and my family.

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