Originally from S. Korea, I moved to the US when I was just a baby. I've always been visually expressive since I was a little girl. Only back then, it started just with paper and pencil. Over the years, this continues to be more true but with use of different mediums for expression. I have a huge heart for all animals, but an even bigger heart for my own furkid Ringo (To me, he is much more than just a dog). He passed over rainbow bridge but I still miss him today. Now I volunteer by taking rescue dogs on hikes. I wouldn't say I'm a health nut, but I do my best to make good decisions for the well-being of my body and overall health. I enjoy breaking a sweat whether it is in the gym or being active outdoors. I have a knack for all things tech and am a software QA engineer for a software company.

Yoon Kwak
United States


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