Y. Nija Dejean

Y. Nija Dejean

United States

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I am Nija. I have a Youtube channel, where I show my monthly budget along with apps and websites our family uses to earn money or giftcards. We're on a journey to payoff our mortgage by December 2022 and I document a video for Youtube, every Monday, called Mortgage Monday. In this video I show how much extra we pay to our mortgage principal and keeping track of our progress. I also like to participate in savings challenges. When not on Youtube, I'm considered a professional "Kid Wrangler", also known as a Teacher. More specifically a 7th and 8th grade Technology Teacher. I enjoy crafting and making my own stickers with my Silhouette Portrait, outdoor events/activities (fairs, festivals, etc), traveling, and sweets.

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 18.64%
Comment Average 28
Like Average 35
View Average 184

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