Xavier Ayala-Morua

Xavier Ayala-Morua

United States

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My name is Xavier, just your average VTuber that enjoys playing games, chatting, and finding new stuff to do!

What am I?
- I am a [link-omitted] Content Creator & Occasional [link-omitted] Streamer.

What are my hobbies?
- My hobbies are playing various video games, editing, making videos, watching anime, and streaming.

What is my interest?
- I'm interested in many things, from music, electronics, room decor, and much more. 

What do I offer?
- Honest Reviews, and showcases.

Gmail: [link-omitted]

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 0.53%
Comment Average 3
Like Average 2
View Average 38

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