Vladimir Vasquez

Vladimir Vasquez


speedometerThat's some serious marketing potential!

I have a blog in spanish "[link-omitted]" and I write there about Science Fiction, Fantasy, Boardgames, Comics, Videogames, Anime, and all the different elements of geeky culture.
I would love to receive books, comics, videogames, board games, etc. about Science Fiction and/or Fantasy.
I also often wrtie about useful software and electronics, but it's not my main focus.

I also have a facebook page (to promote the blog) relatively large, and active.

And I'm also building a Pinterest account.

To see Vladimir's full profile please login or register.

Some of their offers

I will make a post bout you or your brand
Post on Blog

I will make a post bout you or your brand



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I will write review on my blog with infographic.
Post on Blog

I will write review on my blog with infographic.

I will post alot of interesting stuffs about the goods on my Instagram story.
Social Review on Instagram

I will post alot of interesting stuffs about the goods on my Instagram story.

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