Vinod Madhok

Vinod Madhok

British Indian Ocean Territory

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I am based at New Delhi,[link-omitted] education, a Chartered Accountant,(like CPA in USA) after having worked for over 30 years chasing financial markets in various forms, I was suddenly drawn towards art and photography in the year [link-omitted]e then my passion towards this has gradually made me withdrawn from all that I have been doing and being drawn more and more into crafting abstract images by collaborating photography with art.

My artistic quest is centred around venturing into unknown and playing with randomness,and to let, the unknown happens! In true sense, I neither carry control over my creative process nor over the outcome.I just seek my salvation by travelling through unknown,uncertain,unpredictable chaos and embracing the final outcome what all the Universe of Randomness offers me.

All I offer you is uniqueness and originality.

All my work is based on digital medium-digital photography with some post [link-omitted]times I paint on canvas and use its digital image into my work.

So far I had been sharing my work privately with art community as well as through social media. I would be participating in my very first group exhibition in Salon d'Automne de Paris-2019 - from October 9 to 13 on the Champs Elysees in Paris. This would be my first time in an art exhibition and so very much looking forward to it.

My Over All Art Practice in General
I am more into abstract kind of art. Broadly,I can categorise my work into three segments:

[link-omitted]-O-Graphy: These are my own shot images crafted into form of painting [link-omitted]e are digitally crafted paintings using self shot photographs as inputs.

[link-omitted]ography: These are crafted images through medium of [link-omitted]times I over paint digitally these photographs or transform it into abstract form through post processing.

[link-omitted] Art Photography: These are images crafted with flakes of [link-omitted]e images are crafted by using creatively light as in put in a studio [link-omitted]eafter colours are added as well as few images are merged, de-merged for a visual delight.
You can view some of my work at

[link-omitted] [link-omitted]

I travel very frequently and my most preferred destination is Europe where I love going to museums, art galleries, art residencies to see art and to craft art images. During 2014 to 2018, I have travelled to Paris,Vienna,Amsterdam,Rotterdam,The Hague,Madrid,Barcelona,Malaga,Granada ,Berlin,Munich,Dusseldorf,Frankfurt,Potsdam,Cologne,Rome,Florence,Venice,Milan,Brussel,etc,etc

In addition, i travel frequently in India to craft images.

I am based in India and my address is 

Vinod Kumar Madhok B-5/9 (First Floor) DLF Phase-1, Gurgaon-122002 Haryana

Cell +91-98100 34696

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