Trupti Shet

Trupti Shet


8K Reach



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I am a fitness influencer with experience in Karate, Weight training, Kick Boxing, HIIT, yoga.

I believe exercise should be a habit, a routine just like brushing your teeth or taking a bath.

I want to motivate people to workout everyday not to stay thin or look thinner but to become fitter.

Below are my credentials :

I am a black belt in Karate Shotokan

I am also a regular marathon runner

I am trained in HIIT and Kick Boxing

I have completed my diploma in dance (BharatNatyam) 

I have practiced Yoga under a professional for 6 months and have been practicing since then.

To see Trupti's full profile please login or register.



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 3.59%
Comment Average 9
Like Average 224
View Average 4K
Play Average 7K

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