Tri Wahyu Handayani

Tri Wahyu Handayani


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Hi, I am Tri, and I live in Bandung, Indonesia , a tropical country in South East Asia.

I am a writer and blogger, interested in history, architecture, family life, lifestyle, and traveling. My hobbies are sewing and piano playing. I also do upcycling fashion as a way to remodel old clothes, by combining several clothes or making some products with patchwork techniques.

I like journaling my travels, observing historical places, and conserving architecture. I like learning new things about digital communications.

As a blogger. I also review health products, educational tools, and beauty treatments.

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Some of their offers

I will review products and services arts & crafts, electronics & apps, finance
Post on Blog

I will review products and services arts & crafts, electronics & apps, finance



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 2.85%
Comment Average 2
Like Average 4
Play Average 309
Share Average 0

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I will free estimates on all Electronics and computers
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I will free estimates on all Electronics and computers

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I will share tweets to all my contacts

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