Tommy Check

Tommy Check


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Hi I'm Tommy Check I'm a German Youtuber who has fun in nature and shoot at various videos like lost places. and i like to test many different things like toy rc cars and many more and show it to my viewers

Ladies and gentlemen. ​​I recently came across you as your items are extremely attractive and of high quality. ​​​I would like to enter into a cooperation with you. I have a Youtube channel with over 2600 subscribers at the moment, but the channel has only been up for about 3 weeks. I would like to test your article extensively and present it to my viewers, but it has generated over 55,000 views in this period. This is possible because every video is produced in a highly professional manner and with a great deal of passion. For that I would like to cooperate with you so that I can further improve my video quality with your help. I would advertise for you and bring the respective product closer to my viewers/followers/rate it positively. ​​I would be delighted to work with you and I am open to suggestions, including from you. I would be very happy about a positive answer, best regards and stay healthy! Tommy Check

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Comment Average 29
Like Average 88
View Average 777

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