Tom Oliva

Tom Oliva

United States

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Tom is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of [link-omitted], [link-omitted], and the [link-omitted], the premier destinations for the next generation of digital storytellers all over the world.  Tom's influence includes discovering, developing and connecting a vast network of talented young content creators focused on building a community of shared passions and lifelong relationships. In addition, Tom travels the country presenting the AAHSFF [link-omitted], writes and produces curriculum for the [link-omitted] (for educators) and the AAHSFF [link-omitted] (online courses for student artists). 

Tom's Mission: 

To promote immersive entertainment and education with a profound impact, connecting the storytellers, tastemakers and trendsetters of the future with the rewards, respect and recognition they deserve.

Tom believes in the voices of our youth,  invests in the stories they have to tell, and empowers young artists to share their stories and  transform their world through digital media.

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Comment Average 1
Like Average 43
View Average 639
Play Average 2K

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