Tijana Brdaric

Tijana Brdaric


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Hello! I am an alternative/corsetry/lingerie model, photographer, make up artist and make up enthusiast with more than10 years career in these fields. I am from a small country, and when I began doing all of this not many brands and styles were available in a country where I live, so the only way to get what I like was by exploring chambers of the internet. I am self taught in every aspect, as I was inspired to do all kind of glamour, fantasy and similar shootings and makeup by myself and make it my primal job as it is like that right now. So far I am sponsored by many corset, lingerie and alternative fashion designers as well as jewelry and make up brands too. I am not payed by anyone yet, I simply like to promote products that I am personally satisfied with. I always give my personal and honest opinion, cause the market is huge and it is super important that we're all honest and try our best to promote good products and lower the possibility of popularization of low quality products, especially if they are not safe for use. Since I'm a professional photographer, all of my clients get to have HQ pics for a promotion or a review. I would like to get mostly make up, jewelry, clothing and shoes products to review and shoot. Hope we will collaborate :)

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Comment Average 6
Like Average 113
View Average 3K
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