Tiffany White

Tiffany White

United States

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Hi! My name is Tiffany Khyla, and I'm a happy lifestyle and travel blogger currently living in the Midwest. Readers of my blog, Endless Bliss, enjoy weekly posts dedicated to travel tips and itineraries to both popular and lesser known destinations, all things entertainment, including books, music, movies, and television, and also relationship talk about subjects, like long-distance dating and date night ideas to heavier topics, like dating with anxiety and interracial dating. 

The premise behind Endless Bliss begins and ends with the journey to happiness. Readers can relate to the stories being shared on Endless Bliss and Endless Bliss social media and put themselves in the shoes of the writer. The goal of Endless Bliss is to help readers find their bliss while I work on finding mine with them. 

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