Tia Widiastuti

Tia Widiastuti


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I'm a blogger from Indonesia, I'm a chemistry graduate. I started blogging since 2009. At first, blogging was just a hobby, but over time I also used blogs to make money.

From blogging, I have won blog competitions more than 30 times. I also receive blog writing services such as sponsored posts, content placement and product reviews. Besides that, I also receive endorse products for social media Instagram

If you are interested in collaborating, please contact me via email. I will write a high quality review of your products on my blog. thank you

To see Tia's full profile please login or register.

Some of their offers

I will write a high good quality review of your products on my blog
Post on Blog

I will write a high good quality review of your products on my blog

I will share your product on social media with high engagement
Social Share on Instagram

I will share your product on social media with high engagement



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 5.09%
Comment Average 0
Like Average 7
View Average 101

Other offers you may like...

I will feature said item with a picture of my PC gaming setup, or alone
Social Share on Instagram

I will feature said item with a picture of my PC gaming setup, or alone

I will review something about camera or app on my own channel
Video Review on YouTube

I will review something about camera or app on my own channel

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