Thaiza Silva

Thaiza Silva


2K Reach

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A Brazilian girl from Minas Gerais, Thaiza Alves, enchants the music wherever she explores  her sweet and enveloping beats. At the age of only 13, on her first visit to the "Universo Parallelo " , where her introduction & invitation to the music world accrued, she shortly after began DJing, soon being part of the line up of the biggest festival in Brazil! It was in 2010 where her first presentation at the renowned Deputamadre Club, by invitation of the party Bassmente & the first organization to give visibility of the bars in Belo Horizonte. 
In 2015 Thaiza Alves sang for 25k people in the "BH Arena" with her own compositions, in 2017 she released her CD With the renowned MOB producer. In 2019 is touring asia where she performed in indonesia and thailand. Thaiza demonstrates her essence and personality with intense grooves. The influence of her deep house, eletronic, psy crunk, jungle, glith, trap, rap, hipstep strands will raise your energy reaching body consciousness in a balanced [link-omitted] influence shows the incredible places around the world through his art.

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