taylor robinson

taylor robinson

United States

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Taylor, I am a co-host of the Youtube channel, with my cousin Alexius under the name, Tay & Monet. Our channel was created to reach our generation through both reviewing popular music videos and participating in trendy challenges across YouTube to gain our targeted audience. After reaching our 1,000 subscriber mark, the idea to start a business within our passion for our subscribers came into effect. Our business, T&A Gold, LLC is a cosmetic company offering inexpensive luxury eyelashes and cosmetic skin moisturizers. Our products allow our customers to see themselves in a different light by using Eyelashes that will bold the eye. We also have a passion to help others who may struggle with finding products that hydrating the skin rather than stripping its moisture. T&A Gold currently offers 3D Mink Eyelashes, Whipped Sugar Scrubs, Lotion bars, Facial Toner, a variety of soaps made with Goat's Milk and Shea Butter which includes both moisturizing ingredients and unisex scents for our target audience. Our target audience consists of women and men between the ages of 18-34 from both our YouTube subscribers and social media followers from our accounts across all platforms. We strive to maintain our current audience while remaining relevant to reach a wider audience regarding age and gender. We have a plethora of male subscribers and followers who may struggle with dry skin that we will market for in order to expand our Youtube brand and business as T&A Gold, LLC. Taylor and Alexius are focused on reaching their generation on an interactive level while offering quality products to their committed subscribers and followers through both unique marketing strategies and promotion.

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 6.05%
Comment Average 3
Like Average 43
View Average 3K
Play Average 5K

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