Taniko Blanchette

Taniko Blanchette

United Kingdom

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I am a young digital influencer based in the UK, with an interest in - music, fitness and all things pop culture. I am also vegan and love things that are healthy, natural and cruelty free.
I dance, sing and v-log (& also enjoy writing), with a passion for entertaining, uplifting and inspiring people; which I try to ascertain via my multitude of expressive outlets.

The types of products in which I would be interested in, are products relating to - fitness, music, clothing, hair & beauty, travel, food (vegan), health (mind body & spirit) - spirituality/mindfulness, shoes & experiences. Quite a broad range as I am quite open to feeding back on a variety of objects which relate to one's whole spectrum of life.

I look forward to working with you!

Love & light,

Taniko xoxo

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