Sukadi Sukadi

Sukadi Sukadi


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Hello, my name is Sukadi, I am from Purbalingga, Indonesia.
I started blogging since 2008, initially just to share ideas and thoughts, personal notes, but after a while it became something that could produce something. Currently I manage 6 blogs, for the main blog because the first one I manage is [link-omitted].

I write about many things, from personal stories to specific themes. I am also active on social media, mainly on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. From the beginning of managing the blog until now I have worked with various companies or review service providers, generally I use Indonesian in writing. I will be happy if someone invites me to cooperate, whatever the form of cooperation, through my blog or social media. Thanks.

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 22.22%
Comment Average 0
Like Average 2
View Average 136

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