Steven Cox

Steven Cox

United States

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Hello, we are a preparedness style channel that primarily focuses on financial preparedness. Through the use of precious metals, alternative currencies, stocks, and anything that can help people get both a leg up and being ready for a rainy day. While we do still incorporate other aspects of being prepared not just for our future but for that of our children, we speak a lot about metals such as gold, silver, and copper. I have personally went through a time that having something set back in case something happened proved it's self in helping my family after a medical incident. We are a very open and both welcoming and helpful channel that is part of a great community, so much so that my children also play a massive roll in everything I do on all of my outlets. They are both a part of it as well as help with any ideas they have or things they themselves would like to see.

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Comment Average 0
Like Average 2
Play Average 326
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