Sofia Ms

Sofia Ms


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Hello there, my name is Sofia. I'm also known as Skeengeeks because I'm obsessed with 'Skin.'

 I am a Malaysian content creator. I began doing reviews during the pandemic of 2020. I was struggling with freelancing at the time until I discovered happiness in doing reviews. 

I mostly work with global and a few local skincare and cosmetic brands, and I'm delighted to offer my services to a brand I've never worked with before!

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 6.98%
Comment Average 1
Like Average 2
View Average 74

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I will Engage with brands
Social Engagement on Twitter

I will Engage with brands

I will engage with existing posts of the brand via my social media account
Social Engagement on Facebook

I will engage with existing posts of the brand via my social media account

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