Sheila Marie

Sheila Marie

United States

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I am a comedy actress that began writing product reviews a few years ago in Amazon, Macy's and Ebay. I saw the need to be involved in this market for the lack of well written reviews that were honest and representative of the product. 

Mosts reviews appeared to be pranks by teens, put-downs by rivals, or hidden agendas in behalf of a church or cause, Opposed to the sincere experience of the customer with the [link-omitted].

I believed I could make a difference because my peers knew I was an actress in a raunchy genre of acting due to my inability to tolerate hyprocisy.

My Physics MS analytical mind coupled with my experience in health, fitness and modeling, provided credibility in that I would not misrepresent product quality simply because there was NO GAIN.

For a female physics graduate student who is credited with completing a one year Physics research project of analyzing a GAUSSIAN quantum data spreadsheet in thirty minutes, the gain in product review is in the proper investigation by daily use of the product over a period of time in diverse conditions. Thus providing a "true" opinion of the product which may expose interest-based groups that may have provided false information. It is for this reason that I am providing my services in this social platform. 

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