Sharmila Arshad

Sharmila Arshad


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I am a Malaysian based blogger and have been blogging since 2006. I write about topics focusing on lifestyle as a wife & mommy to three young kids, food and recipes. I further write reviews on books and movies that I read and watched. I am happy to share with you my view of what around me in my humble blog [link-omitted] 

I describe myself as a minimalist person who love simple living, simple clothing, simple food and to cut it short I am not complicated.

And yeah…a brief background about the writer. I hold a Degree in Corporate Adminstration (majoring in Company Secretarial Practice) and I am presently a Legal Secretary by profession.

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Some of their offers

I will review with my natural writing tone, rewrite and post in my blog
Post on Blog

I will review with my natural writing tone, rewrite and post in my blog



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 15.14%
Comment Average 11
Like Average 48

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I will post a very positive and honest review

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I will do something creative

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