Shannyn Casino

Shannyn Casino

United States

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Hi, my name is Shannyn Casino. I'm a Spiritual motivational speaker, a failed "Sidewalk University" Dropout and soon to be author. Born and raised in Boston, Ma. I now live in the Charlotte, NC area. I treasure great conversations that allow me to be my authentic and true self, yet a great listener. I love all humans and only concerned with the well-being and salvation of whom ever crosses my path. I believe that after meeting a perfect stranger; in our farewells we should have left one another in an uplifted and motivated spirit. Anything I do, I do with passion. including my side hobbies. I love taking photos and video production. Editing is my favorite part of the process. Yes, I'm a Final Cut Pro junkie. Also, Traveling is atop of my Favorite things to do. Although our country has so many wonders and historical landmarks; to see what else God has created on this grand ball we call home with my own eyes takes my breath away every time. From the ghettos to the most luxurious resorts. I love it all. I'm a movie buff, but I would say i'm more buffed about documentaries and movies that are based on true events. I believe that we all was given a purpose before we were born and since 2017 I have finally accepted mine. I have the spirit of rescue to the broken hearted and weary. I can only hope that my words will have enough impact to sustain you. As long as you don't give up on yourself, I wont either.

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