Ruth Guevara

Ruth Guevara

United States

15K Reach

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Since I was a little girl, I was always trying my mom's makeup and as I grew I became more and more in love with cosmetics, natural beauty and a firm believer that, makeup-wise, less is always more. ;) As my mommy use to say: " Beautiful makeup is a result of a beautiful skin" Fully invested in skincare, admirer of Korean cosmetics and those brands that create natural products and are mindful of their ingredients and work with only those (ingredients) that promote healthy skin over commercial sales. I majored in Library Science and Information Science, therefore I'm passionate about always researching about products, brands, ingredients, and its benefits to the skin. Never leaving out that we are all different and always keeping in mind how to be respectful to our skin's own process we can keep a baby-glow regardless of age, life, and experiences. Years and time are not our enemies when we know how to properly enjoy them. The same way we enjoy the amazing taste of an aged wine we should also enjoy our own Personal Glow. -Ruth.

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