Ruby Wray

Ruby Wray


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As a lifelong vegetarian, she’s always been an advocate for leading a healthy lifestyle. Ruby enjoys doing yoga, cooking healthy food and spending time in nature with her two dogs and son Paxton. Stemming from a background in film, with a degree in Journalism—she creates unique online video and written content that readers can enjoy. Ruby is always looking to align with brands that share her views and promote a conscious lifestyle.

Ruby loves to write blog posts on her blog [link-omitted] and make TikTok videos. 

To see Ruby's full profile please login or register.

Some of their offers

I will Review your product on my blog
Post on Blog

I will Review your product on my blog



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 3.49%
Comment Average 0
Like Average 1
View Average 40

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I will give you notoriety
Video Review on TikTok

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I will draw sketch

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