roy millgun

roy millgun


speedometerThere are 25K influencers with a reach over 20,000!Check out some other influencers

A have an Instagram account that is growing many people reach my account 

My face book account to

Am ready to do any service recommend is affordable  

If I get your product  I'll post it on my story on IG and fecebook in one month 

am available for any service

I will engage with their audience, no matter the size. I will take time to answer questions and start conversations. I will also stay active on their respective platforms and publish content consistently. 

To see roy's full profile please login or register.



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 6.15%
Comment Average 5
Like Average 61
View Average 100
Play Average 168

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I will share your content on my page and push engagement towards your product
Social Share on Instagram

I will share your content on my page and push engagement towards your product

I will record a video of your product and give it my honest feedback on it.
Video Review on TikTok

I will record a video of your product and give it my honest feedback on it.

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