Rowena Rose Conde

Rowena Rose Conde


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Established in 2016, Travel Eat Pinas serves as a venue to

-Explore the Philippines with Do It Yourself travel guides and reviews for hotel, resort and recreational facilities in the country.

-Discover gastronomic specialties in the Philippines with food and restaurant reviews as well as easy to prepare recipes that can be serve daily or on special occasion.

-Provide an update regarding different advocacies, launches and events in the country

-Share must-have essentials from vitamins, skin regiments, cookbooks, tools and kits.

To see Rowena Rose's full profile please login or register.

Some of their offers

I will create and share social media posts
Social Share on Facebook

I will create and share social media posts

I will offer blog content with sharing on social media platforms
Post on Blog

I will offer blog content with sharing on social media platforms



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 1.63%
Comment Average 1
Like Average 11
Play Average 234
Share Average 0

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I will increase your engagement
Social Engagement on Instagram

I will increase your engagement

I will do review something with a good copywriting
Social Share on Instagram

I will do review something with a good copywriting

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