Potential influencer?
Who me?
A (Constantly Failing To Be Funny) satirist!
Mutare non est meum
Cantus moriar
When "Normal" is too normal for your needs.
When only "Weird" will do.
Come to the screwed up Rat Lombot.
And he will write for you!
Now I make no secret that I desperately want to make my living from my plastic keyboard
Not a huge fortune, just the equivalent of a full-time minimum wage!
I have lost count of the Spam I receive that seem too good to be true.
Always a slightly more subtle (but not by much) version of the following.
“You are super talented”
“We want to pay you”
"But there is the small matter of our upfront fee”
Maybe mental health is improving just enough to make me stupidly optimistic.
For some unknown reason...
I, against all my initial instincts and common sense now find myself feeling that wired strange people sometimes talk about in high fantasy and sci-fi films.
I forget…
What is that feeling called again?
Oh yes
Thas right!