Rosario Diaz Ausa

Rosario Diaz Ausa


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One day I will be an old woman with long silver hair, magical tattoos, eyes full of light & love and lots of laugh wrinkles. My children’s children will lay out with me under the stars by a campfire on a seashore. We’ll listen to the waves make music as I tell them my stories of wild adventures, of lived dreams, conquered fears and a full life lived. And I will inspire journeys of their own. This is the dream of all my dreams.

Hi! I'm Charo, I'm a social media content creator and strategist, photographer and blogger passionate about off the beaten path travel, the environment and women empowerment.

I circle the globe almost full time creating content for lifestyle brands, fashion brands, hotels and tour operators.

My dream is to inspire people to get out and #seemoreworld and while doing so become more in touch with the planet and our responsibility to society and nature.

It's important for people to connect with one another and I feel travel is the ultimate connector; it is by traveling that we open our minds and hearts to humanity and if we are not after becoming more humane I don't get what we are really after.

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