Ronald Savage

Ronald Savage

United States

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Recording Artist Ronald "Bee-Stinger" Savage is a former member of the New York State Democrat Committee, a recording artist, advocating for civil rights and is from the first generation of hip hop, Bee - Stinger is a hip-hop legend who needs to be respected as one of the original crate boys for the Zulu Nation's own DJ Jazzy Jay. Bee Stinger yes was there at the beginning of hip hop and is credited for coining the term 6 elements of the Hip Hop Movement in the '90s after hearing public enemy. Ron "Bee-Stinger" Savage recordings are hip hop classics, don't be fooled, his style of hip hop recordings is a mix of new school and true-school hip hop instrumentals with his voice sampled onto the recording giving it that old school element, some Dj's don't play his music because he took the bold step in 2016 and brought hip hop culture to its knees and rocked the Hip Hop world with his book Impulse, urges and fantasies, so many people are mad because he spoke his truth which was the biggest kept secret in Hip Hop History. I have a podcast show which is worldwide called Hip Hop Movement it is also on amazon firestick, as well as a streaming channel that is worldwide on ROKU TV called Hip Hop Movement.

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