Rochati Rochati

Rochati Rochati


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my name is rochati you can call me atik, i'm 28 years old, i live in bogor. I'm currently working as an employee at a company in South Jakarta.

i like social media, i can share my daily activities with my followers about hobbies, food, beauty, and others. i like to review foods, products, beauty, and family product. I hope what i do what i share can inspire and make my followers happy,and always love ne, follow the good ones and discard the bad ones.

im lifestyle on my instagram @atikrochati,

My pleasure if im be able to have some project with you,i'll do my best.


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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 5.17%
Comment Average 10
Like Average 41
View Average 323
Play Average 649

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I will create an Instagram Reel for your product/service/business
Video Review on Instagram

I will create an Instagram Reel for your product/service/business

I will write a blog post for your service/product/company
Post on Blog

I will write a blog post for your service/product/company

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