Rio Adi

Rio Adi


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Halo nama saya Rio, saat ini saya mengelola website [link-omitted], website saya adalah website berita dan informasi yang berisi ulasan tentang:
Financial, Consumer Goods, Automotive, Techno, Property, Digital, LIfestyle, Bussiness, CSR.

Sudah cukup banyak Event Organizer yang bekerjasama dengan saya untuk membantu menaikkan acara-acara yang dibuat di website saya.

Artikel yang saya tulis adalah artikel yang organik, tentu saja ditulis dengan mengedepankan gaya penulisan reportase dan dan dikemas dari sisi marketing.

Selain menulis saya juga mempunyai Akun-akun mediasosial lainnya yang sedang saya bangun.

semoga dengan membaca profil saya ini, dari pemilik brand bisa mengajak saya untuk bekerjasama.


Hello, my name is Rio, currently I manage the [link-omitted] website, my website is a news and information website that contains reviews about:
Financial, Consumer Goods, Automotive, Techno, Property, Digital, Lifestyle, Business, CSR.

There have been quite a number of Event Organizers who have collaborated with me to help increase the events created on my website.

The article that I wrote is an organic article, of course it was written by prioritizing a reportage writing style and packaged from a marketing perspective.

Apart from writing, I also have other social media accounts that I am building.

I hope that by reading my profile, the brand owner can invite me to work together.

To see Rio's full profile please login or register.

Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 23.19%
Comment Average 0
Like Average 5
View Average 203

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